Gift to Build on Our Foundation

"For no one can lay a foundation other than the one that is there, namely, Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 3:11

Your generous gift provides the opportunity for thousands of people each year to encounter God’s grace and go forth to share it. Your contribution continues the tradition of Ignatian Spirituality ensuring the sacred time of retreat in the sacred spaces of Bellarmine for future generations.

While you may wish to make a large single gift toward this effort in order to help with our renovation expenses, an option is available to support the effort over time. These pledge gifts are an investment in the ministry of Bellarmine and can be made in annual, quarterly, or monthly installments. Thank you for your support. 

For information about qualified IRA distributions or gifts of stock, please call the Bellarmine development office. 

Donation Information
$ 10,000.00
$ 6,000.00
$ 5,000.00
$ 3,600.00
Donation Setup
To spread your gift over three years please choose "Pledge (installments)" and for "Number of Installments" put in 36 for monthly payments, or 12 for quarterly payments, or 3 for annual payments.
Type of gift:
Donor Information
Payment Information
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Matching Gifts
Optional Tribute Information
Tribute and memorial designations are a wonderful way to honor someone who gave you the gift of faith or someone close to your heart.